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Early childhood interventions

Providing high-quality intervention during the early childhood could radically modify the child’s outcomes and his chances to develop a happy and fulfilled life.

Autism treatment

We support the development of social, communicative and behavioral skills by reducing autism symptoms. Early intervention is the key to accelerate the child’s development and reduce his symptoms over the lifespan.

ABA Therapy

Each child is unique, with his own strengths and weakness. This is the reason why each plan is highly individualized and specifically created to answer the requests and needs of each family.

School and parent training

A successful intervention often results from the collaboration of all the figures involved in the child's development, be they parents, relatives or teachers.




A Giraffe In The Hat provides high-standard ABA therapy and early child support in the Amsterdam area and surroundings. We have long clinical experience in treating different kind of developmental challenges that your child could encounter during his early years. Our mission is to bring high quality services to each family looking for support, overcoming social and linguistic barriers. At a Giraffe In The Hat we provide services in multiple languages, to respect each child need to communicate with his mother tongue. We are aware that for a therapy to be effective, it has to be affordable: this is why we try to keep our prices low and we encourage families to activate fundings and other resources available for them.


Early childhood Intervention

In Giraffe in the Hat

Autism Individualized Therapy

In Giraffe in the Hat

Parent and staff training

In Giraffe in the Hat

Social skills groups

In Giraffe in the Hat

Individualized child support

In Giraffe in the Hat

Workshops for schools

In Giraffe in the Hat

Art and craft labs

In Giraffe in the Hat

Professional training

In Giraffe in the Hat


Being a parent is the hardest job that you could ever be called for, and no-one can teach you how to do it. Every single child has is own path, with high cliffs and smooth descends. Sometimes the cliffs are sharper and the descends more steep. This is when your parenthood is asking more of what you expected. This is when you find a giraffe in your hat. A totally unexpected event, that brings you in a sudden curve of your path. It could be that you don’t feel ready to face it or that you just need some strategies to find your own resources. It’s ok. Asking for help is the hardest step, but it will immediately bring you one step closer. ABA can help you and your son to come back to your own path, discover your own resources and maybe build new trajectories to reach your goals as a parent.